Library FTK

Library FTK Decklist

"Goat Format" refers to a legacy Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG format that existed in 2005, named after the prevalance of the card Scapegoat during this time period. It is a format that is still widely played today using the same card pool, ruleset, and banlist, though in the intervening years a variety of new decks have surfaced, perhaps the most notorious of which being "Library FTK". "FTK" decks are historically stigmatized by the community as they typically TODO

The project exists to fully explore "Library FTK"


TODO how yugioh works, how Library alters it.



One of the following cards needs to be selected to bring the deck up to mininum deck size of 40 cards. Cyber Jar is likely to be most useful in actual gameplay, but for the purposes of the a single turn interaction-less playout only Different Dimension Capsule (and theoretically Sangan) have any positive utility:


In all cases, keep set for in location, same ID in same location = same score? combination of immediate value + potential value - trunade with td td td sangan in hand is low value, but with oath oath oath convulsion its very high value deck thin = value depends on value of cards left in deck + how it helps get to win condition everything is expected value +1/3 not that useful if the card to be drawn isn't very good

Different Dimension Capsule is relatively problematic for search as it explodes the state space with its high branching factor. Reload and Card Destruction as well

Future Work




Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)

Simulator UI

TODO stats

TODO change image to cyber jar, default do cyber jar



Side Deck

attacking with library into set cards

Prohibition (Giant Trunade), Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell, Cyber-Stein => Dark Balter the Terrible, Last Warrior, Ojama Trio